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Filippo Morese Taverna Penta Yoghurt Bar

The yoghurt bar, located in the Taverna Penta courtyard, likewise uses only the milk from buffalo bred by Filippo Morese to produce the creamy white yoghurt with its delicate taste; the yoghurt is either plain, flavoured with fruit or with barley malt. Besides the yoghurt, which comes in hand-labelled glass jars, we produce puddings and ice creams in the classical flavours, a variety of fruit flavours as well as fior di bufala, ricotta and buffalo yoghurt. Using the dairy products and other high quality raw materials, every day our confectioner makes sweet and savoury cakes, which our customers can sit and enjoy inside the ancient farmhouse or in the courtyard with its beautiful portico and old well, once used to provide water for the horses and buffaloes.