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Filippo Morese Taverna Penta Dairy

The Taverna Penta Dairy uses the milk produced exclusively by the buffaloes bred on the Filippo Morese Farm; this is the reason that production is limited, based as it is on the natural cycle of the milk. The milk is manufactured when raw so that its properties are maintained intact and to give the product its unique taste. The manufacturing process, following the ancient recipe of buffalo milk, rennet and salt, is still based on artisanal actions and rhythm, which, when combined with modern production technologies and tests applied during all manufacturing phases, are an absolute guarantee of hygiene and reliability of products.

Taverna Penta Dairy Production

The dairy makes mozzarella, in its various shapes and sizes (ciliegine, bocconcini, 250g and 500g mozzarellas and plaits) and ricotta. When the quantity of milk produced on the farm allows, the dairy also makes smoked mozzarella (provola), primosale and scamorza cheese. The Taverna Penta Dairy at the Filippo Morese Farm is a member of the Union for the Tutelage of Campana Buffalo Mozzarella, which in 1996 acquired the d.o.p. certification: Protected Designation of Origin.